Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I’m sure that is what Mrs. Marx or Mrs. Lenin must have said as their little anarchists threw their first Molotov cocktails.

Although #2 Son is not throwing bombs, I like to refer to him as “Our Little Communist.” Of course he hasn’t read the Communist Manifesto yet, I’m sure he agrees with it.

Blue is red and red is blue. Good is bad and bad is good. So states #2 Son’s manifesto. He believes that the controlling class should stop being in control. However, all the capitalistic trappings should be given over to the people, whoever the hell they are, and we should continue to make money and pass it on to the people.

This is a very complicated doctrine, for both the bourgeois and the proletarian. Let’s face it; being a commie when you have a TV, DVD player, and an endless supply of Cheerios, a car and insurance, clothing and cigarette money supplied, is very hard. How would you like to be a commie, and your parents are not playing along? They better not, after all, who will fund the revolution? How will he raise the flag of international workers everywhere in the world on an empty stomach, and a yen for a butt?

He was going to march this past May Day, but overslept. Fermenting all the revolutionary theory must have left him too tired to march! His philosophy is that we should give everything to the workingman. Everything I own that is. His stuff he still needs. He belongs to a political party that IS non-subversive, just what he needs, a place to legally vent.

Of course, some of what I write is tongue in cheek. It is up to you to figure what that is.

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