Monday, September 01, 2008


The newly paved street is suddenly the focus of a lot of attention. The local child population seems to be centering on it and hoping to get every drop of summer freedom there is. As I drive by, I see the dread in their eyes, the slow sad movements of their run and play.

It is a sorry time. I’m almost moved to tears. The ice cream truck makes a final run and the little darlings cling to the hope that the day will last forever, as they see their summer freedom fade away to a memory.

As parents and grandparents, let us join in song, to lift the teary eyes of sadness and disappointment as they take their showers (don’t forget to wash behind the ears), shiny shoes, get their brand new clothes, books and pencils (don’t forget the erasers), and the little darlings mount those steps for the yellow school bus!

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