Saturday, June 11, 2011


It seems that I am always drawn into conversations with strangers, usually women. I’m standing on line at a supermarket, and some lady is standing in line ahead of me, and offers me the opportunity to move ahead of her. I usually decline, but it opens the door for her to start up a conversation. The price of whatever is the topic, or she has so much and I only have one item, ‘so pleased go ahead’ she begs.

Recently I was in the ‘Men’s Wherehouse?’ (SIC) to rent a monkey suit and some mother with her son starts up a conversation out of the blue. Not being rude, I join along and we talk. We talk about monkey suits and the old days.

I go to a store, about 2 minutes before it opens. As I wait for the establishment to open a woman will stand next to me, make a comment and we have to talk. It is 8:58 am, and the store advertises breakfast. Who is eating breakfast after 9:00 am she wants to know. I think this face of mine demands speech, but not from me.

Even TLW (The Little Woman) talks to me. Sometimes I just stand there, and she wants to know why! My dog, a female, barks at me all the time. Why? Usually she doesn’t want me in the bathroom for long.

One day I was standing on line at the post office. This lady comes in behind me, holding a baby in a carrying seat. Placing the baby down she starts to talk to the baby. I look at the baby, and of course I have to say: "How old?” This starts her on a long dissertation about her child’s age, how the kid eats and sleeps and what a good baby she has.

Once I even got a wrong number and the lady wouldn’t get off the line, telling me how she just hates it when she dials the wrong number!

But my favorite is when I am on my laptop, sitting in my chair, TLW is on her laptop, sitting in her chair, and she asks me how to do something, reading out loud to no one but me, to answer her questions, defining differences about html vs. pdf, all the while, working on my computer!

I think I’ll go get a nose job and wig, but I’m afraid the nose surgeon will be a woman!

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