Saturday, September 10, 2011


Last month there was a report that said that 14% of the American public is approving the job that congress is doing! That means if you take 100 people, 14 will say: “That’s the way to go, Congress!”

I find this interesting, alarming, and down right suspicious. First of all, who took this poll? Was it a guy or gal who was running late for a lunch date and had 14 people left on the 100 people to poll list? Realizing he had no one yet on his “approval” list, decided to throw the 14 onto it?

Meeting these people would be an interesting case study into the validity of these types of polls. For instance: how many of the 14 were comatose, didn’t speak and can’t understand English, were on the brink of death, and just like to kid around? Were there any members of Congressional families polled? How many are on the payroll of the Congressmen and women? How many of the 14% are over 4 years of age?

I myself would refuse to answer the pollster’s questions on congressional job approval until after they showed up for work, when ever that will be.

Of course, I get the urge to want to interview each of the 14% and slap them silly, maybe they would wake up. Maybe not.

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