Thursday, September 01, 2011


This is the time of the year that feels like the end of summer, and a continuation of some sort. We charge through the first 8 months full of energy, plans for the summer, weddings and graduations are over, and now it is fall.

We start thinking about the holidays, and make plans for what I think is 2011, Part II. A new wardrobe comes out for the seasons, new attitudes come into play, and if you work or go to school, it is a little sad to have to go back to the routines that you so giddily left behind for the summer. You can still feel the summer’s heat and the tastes of out door grilling, ice cream and the shortness of daylight every day from here on in.
I like this time of year because I think a lot about what I have, how lucky I am, and how beautiful life can be. Over the past few years I have been reunited with my old schoolmates from the Bellport High School class of ’64, some on the Internet and some in person. Friends from the old neighborhood Like Jim and Mike and I have a wonderful family, a new and sweet daughter-in-law, 4 beautiful sisters and all their families, Mom is still going strong, I am still active with my daughter’s organization, AHRC Suffolk, and refuse to quit dreaming of the future.
This blogue and Ellen’s Way, have both given me a sense of fulfillment and an outlet, and so I enjoy myself. I have one other blessing that I save for last. You. You read and sometimes you respond, and I appreciate your reading, Thank you for being one of my blessings.

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