Sunday, September 18, 2011


As an on-going public service to you dear reader, DelBloggolo is recommending a TV show called: “The Marriage Ref.” After all the reality and CSI shows, this is a hilarious welcomed relief.

Basically, the show has a panel of three comedians, and couples come to duke it out. Then the comedians decide who they think is right, but the audience ultimately decides the winner.

For instance: TLW (The Little Woman) and I would come on and we would present our case.

TLW: “He is always turning the heat down on me and putting on the A.C., and this goes on four months out of the year. Doesn’t even tell me he is doing it, forcing me to get a blanket and/or sweater!”

Me: “We argue like this every year for four months out of the year, from June to September!”

Being married for over 40 years, we can carry that show for many years.

TLW: “I like to fix things, even if they don’t need fixing. My mother had her own tool drawer and now I have mine!”

Me: “Her tool draw consists of a screw driver from 1946 with a splintered wooden handle, that she uses along with an old butter knife. Once she changed a battery in a car while I was at work. Turns out it was the wrong size, and although it worked, I couldn’t ever take it out of the car because she had wedged it in!”

Of course I’m at fault too, putting the spoon on the wrong side of the dish, stuff like that. She says I exaggerate, which is a lot of bunk, if she’s said it once she said it 40,000,000 times!

Sometimes we do argue, I’ll say the sky is blue, and she’ll say it is green. “Yes dear, of course, you’re right!”

I’ll say I’m hungry, she will say: “No you’re not!” “Yes dear, of course, you’re right!”

So if you can, try to watch the show, and get a great insight into whether you or your spouse is the one that is right!

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