Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Last week I was putting water into the pool while pumping out water that covered the tarp cover we
use for the winter. This meant running a hose from the far side of my house and sticking the nozzle under the tarp and turning on the water spigot fully into the pool. Meanwhile another hose is attached to a pump that pulls water off the tarp and into the driveway where it makes it’s way to the street. This is very nice, don’t talk about me!
I go upstairs to my studio/office to do some work on my computer and I notice that the water that I think is the hose is louder than usual, getting down on my knees thinking my hearing is coming back!

Later that afternoon, I go down to the bathroom downstairs and notice the water line in the bowl is unusually high! “Hmmm….” I say to myself. Whenever I talk to myself I try not to say too much, because then I get into an argument! I take out the plunger and start to plunge right in, swish in, swish out, swish in, swish out, swish in, swish out, until I realize it isn’t working.

Being a creative type who has done plumbing before, I decide to go upstairs to check the upstairs toilet to see what the level is. This might be called ‘deductive reasoning’ but I call it chance.  “Aha!” say I, as the water is constantly running in the toilet. I lift the cover and see that the chain that operates the flush handle is disconnected, something I can relate to since I’ve been disconnected for some time now. Reattaching the chain to the flush handle I flush, and go down stairs and look at that toilet. The level has gone down! I have successfully plumbed!

Why do I tell you this? A deep need.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

"It is better to have plumbed and lost, than never to have plumbed at all." (Ed Norton)