Sunday, December 09, 2018


We all seem to be engaged this year in politics. Believing in what the President, the House of Representatives and the Senate do is now very important. People are starting to vote again, the parties have become more polarized and the mood of America is not good.

If you are on Facebook or Tweeter, you know how easy it is to get in a punch at what you are mad about, and how easily you can fall into a discussion where everyone writes long dissertations about the ‘facts’ that have stored, pointing you to some obscure link to more one-sidedness and misinformation. It becomes paramount to sound learned on the subject, bring unreasonableness disguised in reason and save the insults for the last resort.

I have never seen so many unhappy people since Watergate and the Nixon Days.

Anger, of course, is always used to contrast someone else’s complacency about what you strongly believe in. Anger is also a two-edged sword, one edge to strike your enemy down, but if you are not careful and use the wrong edge, a saber that impales you and leaves you dead or bleeding.

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