Sunday, December 02, 2018


It's hairy and there's a lot

You enter your barbershop and the barber says: “I guess just a trim?”

Yes, this is the truth, I have lost most of my hair, and the old days of shampooing and combing are coming to an end.

As a youngster and as I grew old ungracefully, I never wore a hat feeling that it stunted hair-growth. I was wrong. Satellites are reflecting signals off of my bean to other receivers as a way to shorten distances. I now need a hat to prevent that and to protect my head from sunburn. How sad. I still recall my first haircut. It was a Saturday morning and Dad took me to the barbershop on Rockaway Avenue off of Fulton Street in the Bed-Sty section of Brooklyn. Being it was my first time, the barber put a plank over the arms of the chair so I would have some height and took out his electric shaver, the first time I ever met one of those things. I immediately tensed up and he handed me a toy airplane that he said made the same noise. Being about 3-years of age I guess, I probably didn’t even know what the hell a plane was!

I nearly caused an accident the other night when driving I bent down slightly and an oncoming car nearly went off the road when his headlights glared into my pate and back into his eyes causing momentary blindness.

I had a great uncle, Uncle Dom, who used to say because he was bald at 24: “Grass never grows on a busy street!” I would like to think he was right, but who is kidding whom?

I really am starting to hate my barber even though he is balder and younger than me.

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