Tuesday, December 04, 2018


[ˈmazəkəst, ˈmasəkəst]

(in general use) a person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.

"What kind of masochist would root for so many bad teams?

As I watched the New York Jets lose once more, contributing to another losing season, one like all the others, a rebuilding one, I wondered when I would be kind to myself. Watching them lose year after year, never making it to a playoff game before losing made me realize I love watching my teams lose. I have to be that way, why would I do it otherwise?

I thought some more about my rooting skills and my hometown favorites and discovered, but, always suspected, that it holds true for all the sports teams I root for.

Case in point: The New York Mets. In the dictionary, the word loser is illustrated by this-

These bums try to lose every year, they get themselves fading fast all-stars who can’t do it anymore and think this will take them to the Promise-land. Where it actually takes them to is the end of the summer and no further.

I like to spread my genius around when it comes to NY sports teams, so of course, there is the NY Knicks! They sit there in the most prestigious sports palace in the World, probably bigger the Yankee Stadium ever was and all you see is all-stars… on the other teams. They draft someone good and he forgets how to play or injures himself to take a sabbatical and forgets his skills when he comes back. I got excited when Carmelo Anthony came to the Knicks and really enjoyed it when he left!

This year I am holding out for the NY Islanders, they seem to be competitive but this will cause problems. If the team makes the playoffs, I have to root them through until the inevitable, they lose and I cry.

Maybe all this losing is for my benefit, I don’t go through a whole season and be disappointed, I do it early on.

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