Wednesday, December 05, 2018


With all the electronics available, and the intrusion of Facebook and Twitter, reading a book is becoming a lost art for me. Most of my adolescent life and into my adulthood, I always had a book I was reading. Then around 1991 I got my first computer and got caught up in the Internet with its convenience and quick ability to find my answers and even help me in my work with the many graphics and writing programs it offers.

Then about a month ago, while my daughter was recovering in the hospital from a hip replacement, I happened to be in the lobby area of Mather Memorial Hospital in Port Jefferson and I found a bookcase with books for a dollar or two. I stopped and found some books and purchased them and now I am back into reading again.

Sitting somewhere quiet and opening a book is like boarding a train where you don’t know your destination but as it goes you enjoy looking out the window marveling at all the sights.

There is a warm feeling in reading something for just the joy of it, and reading has always made me happy, and as I am a writer of sorts I enjoy the art of it all. The beauty of it is there is so much to read and I will never read it all but will die to try.

In the book I wrote, there are two brothers, one who likes to read and one who doesn’t but wishes he did. The read takes his brother to the library and tells him to find some subject he is interested in and read about. Great advice.

So, come home to reading once again. It will enthrall you, you will use your imagination and it all makes you calm.

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