Friday, August 11, 2017

A TRUE STORY... almost!

My wife works with a woman who has become a family friend, along with her husband. The couple is a lot of fun and we make each other laugh with silliness.

Patrizia, or Pat as she is known, works in the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company. If you try to sneak into the bank, she will nail you with her smile and friendly wave from behind the teller line. Over the years, she insisted I write a book about her life.

Over the same years, Pat and her husband Bill have gone out to sea, the various restaurants that populate the local area and Wanna-Be-Bank functions with us, and we always have a great time.

You may suspect by the name, Patrizia hails from Italy, and grew up in the Bronx where her parents settled, and settle they did. You see, on their way to America along with her older brother, ran into a bump at sea, namely the Stockholm, a huge ship that needed more room than it had. Patrizia and her family were traveling across the Atlantic that faithful day on July 24, 1956, 61 years ago on the Andrea Doria.

As Pat tells it: “we were sailing along when: BANG, splash, drip, drip, drip and my Gucci’s were all wet! I heard the captain, Capitan Calamari yell: “Managgia, she no float!!!, I really hate when that happens. Poppa packed me with the Genoa Salami but not the provolone and said; Tenga il vostro naso che stiamo andando dentro!” Roughly translated: Hold your nose we’re going in!

Someday I will write the book, and tell all.

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