Monday, August 14, 2017


--> The other morning at about 2:30 am, I awoke and looked over the blanket to see that TLW (The Little Woman) was gone. This does not get me too nervous, but at our ages, we need to watch out for each other. Being totally incompetent I would miss her dearly if something were to happen.

Since I was awake I thought that I hoped she was OK and was tempted to go find her.  After all, getting up at such an hour seemed rather strange. Instead, I did what all men my age do, yes, I went to the toilet. I looked down in the stairwell and noticed that the lights were on so she had to be ok. I went back to bed and slept until about 5:30 am when I noticed she never came back to bed. I got up, looked down the stairwell again and saw the lights were still on.

I went into the shower then went back into the bedroom to dress and make the bed. I put the news on the TV and listened to it as I did, then finished and went downstairs. Coming to the final floor I heard the washing machine going so I knew she had to be conscious at least. I walked into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there, nor was she in the den or dining room. I checked out the garage but all I could notice was the sound of the washing machine. I looked out of each window and search the yards, nothing.

Where could she be?

I decided to do what any man my age would do in a situation like this that presents itself, I went to the toilet, not too creative but a place to sort things out. As I sat there contemplating her faith I could suddenly hear her footsteps coming down. I got two “AHS!” one for her and one for another reason.

I came out and faced the missing TLW.

“What the Hell time do you get up this morning?” I intoned.
“Oh, I couldn’t sleep so I got up!”
“But where did you go??? I looked all over the house, and checked outside!”
“Well I came upstairs and you were in the bedroom awake listening to TV so I went into the toilet.”

Here I was looking for her and she was practically behind me every step of the way!

As we settled in the den, with coffee in hand and reminded her:

“Just remember, if you ever disappear, eventually I’ll look for you!”

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