Thursday, March 15, 2018


For years I have been looking at the World through the same eyes. I see things both in real-time and in my mind, sometimes vividly. The reds are still red and the blues are still blue. Beautiful people still strike me as beautiful, and in fact to some degree, the superficiality of looks has been tempered with age over time.

I cannot separate what something looked like to me at 20 compared to 40-years of age. A beautiful woman is still a beautiful woman to me at any age, and the older ladies are as beautiful as they were when they were younger, only with more substance. Children still play and laugh and sing, maybe not the way I did as a child, but still they do what children do.

But a funny thing is happening, as I arise every morning with these same eyes, looking into the mirror, someone else is standing there! Who is that? Why is he standing there and where am I? Is it one of my wife’s brothers I never met after almost 47 years of marriage, or is that my father?

I see people in the gym and they struggle to workout, and I think, I can do that, just don’t. Any 70+ old man who sucks in his stomach every time he sees a beautiful young lady pass by, maybe even smiles at him, is obviously in a delusionary world, one without a time line available.

In my eyes the World is changing very rapidly and the inner youngster in my mind is living in panic thinking what he will do about it in 20 years! He sees tomorrow without thinking about getting by today.

If I go back to a place where I spent time many years ago, the place now seems smaller, maybe with a patina I never noticed before, so in essence, my eyes are better?

I see people from my high school days, some I recognized from those sweet old days and even though they changed, they seem to assume a physical resemblance that makes me think: Gee they haven’t changed at all!

I guess getting older is for fools. We are all in the same boat and not need to worry about aging, just being graceful while we do it, with each other and ourselves.

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