Sunday, September 02, 2018


Since June 18 or so, I have been fighting a bad back. The pain is cent34red under the shoulder blades and not the lower back. I have had a CT scan and an echocardiogram and nothing is found. My GP probed, my neurosurgeon took a look and threw up his hands. Nothing. So, the neurosurgeon asked my insurance company for permission to do an MRI to look closer.

That's me with my bad back!
Waiting a few days I get a phone call from Aetna telling me that the MRI was denied. It stated that a letter would arrive in the mail where I could appeal it.

It has been days since that call. In all the time waiting for the letter to come, my back pain persists, driving me to get up and ace the house a few hours each night until it felt better enough to get back into bed. I am tired and cranky with bouts of sudden pain, leaving me wobbly in the legs and almost passing out.

I would love to know when the hell Aetna will erupt and give me their reasons for the denial since all I want is a little relief.

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