Thursday, February 15, 2007


It was a perfect romantic night, the snow was swirling around in big circles outside the large bay window of our dining room, and the howling wind was making the cold bitter, but inside the house was warm and toasty. The candles set the mood as the night and its gloom was setting all around outside, but the flicker of candles defied the darkness.

Being it was Valentine’s Day, I planned a special diner for TLW (The Little Woman) that took a lot of cunning and subterfuge, keeping TLW from suspecting anything.

Two days before I went out and bought all the groceries, figuring out the logistics, and where to hide things so TLW wouldn’t see them. The lobster and shrimp cocktail I put out in the freezer in our garage, the asparagus was already in the refrigerator, the soon to be stuffed mushrooms tucked away in the crisper draw with all the trimmings. I still had to bury the strawberries and whipped cream, so I took anything TLW might use that was in “the frig,” and placed it all in the front so she couldn’t go reaching and discovering all the surprise.

Taking a small corner of the dining room table, I set the china out, lit the candles and served TLW, course after course, with cocktails and wine, coffee and dessert with canola cream filling and chocolate covered strawberry that tasted so good after so long from not eating them.

And in the end, all I saw was a very beautiful lady enjoying her feast, on the day that says it all: I love you.

Trying something like jewelry, clothes, flowers or candy can be pretty predictable, maybe next year I’ll try something else

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