Tuesday, September 08, 2009


People like me often question whether there is a God or not.

In life’s trials and tribulations, we don’t always come out on top! So we wonder: “Is there a God? Why did He let this happen?” We question the longevity of certain suffering, and the sometimes-painful conclusions. We might even wish to pick a fight with God, demand an answer, or give us a sign. We become self-centered!

Sometimes I wonder if I’m being punished for something I did in the past, or maybe it is the ‘sins of my father’ that went unpaid. Then I think about how righteous I am, how I sit on the moral side of the fence, and think that God is on my side, too! Just like everyone else in this world, I judge. But there really is no fence!

My judgments have brought me to the place where I am now. The moral currency is always being spent; it is unlimited, because it is minted in my mind. But the possibility to be morally right; is non-existent. There are so many variables, that to walk in everyone’s shoes is impossible. To be able to judge and make the right conclusion, we need to know what it means to everyone, not just ourselves.

Thank God for doctors and nurses, and people to help in crippled and deformed. They are doing what God intended us all to do. If we were all doing this work, in some degree, there would be no wars, no crimes, no hatred, because we would all understand, suffering. No man IS an isle, unto himself, because we are all suffering, and need each other. And, only a precious few respond.

So rather than ask God why things happen, rather than demand a sign or response, we should tell God what we did to let it happen as humans. I know sickness like cancer can’t be helped, but God gave us life and time; he gave us the human condition to contemplate and react to. When we suffer, we become teachers, and when we act or react to those kinds of things, we do God’s work. It’s God’s world, not ours.


Fran said...

Very insightful Joe. I also like to think that with every difficult time we encounter, there is always personal growth. You certainly have had your share of difficult times, but I admire how you do not let it take you down. Another reason, why I am so proud to call you my brother.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Great post! I wrestle with this question on almost a daily basis. I think, if there is a god, that he is a lot different than the kind of god we were raised to believe in. I don't think he spends his time everyday altering the outcome of events. It's sort of like when you watch a football game between two catholic universities -- both sides are praying to God for a victory. Who does he help?

I just have one question for you and for everyone who believes strongly that there is a God. Would God really let little children be kidnapped and tortured by their captors? I can understand death and other hardships, but this one I have a strong question about. How could a God let that happen? I don't have an answer. I hope somebody out there does.

-#1 Son

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

Again-God doesn't let it happen, we make it happen. If God intervenes, what good is free thought? Then why even be accountable?

Anonymous said...

Then what is the point of praying to God? If he won't do anything about anything why do we even bother with him?

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

Because he is the ultimate judge. We are responsible for what we do in his world. Prayer is for forgiveness and strength. We ask for guidance and pray for ourselves, through God, which shows our intentions, that he may do anything, about anything we do on the final day.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about praying to Saint Anthony so that you can find something you've lost? Is there really a saint who comes down and intervenes and helps you find what you've lost? To me, that's a different kind of praying. Your explanation of prayer makes a lot more sense to me.

-#1 Son

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

It made Grandma Manning happy.