Saturday, November 21, 2009


I decided to drop by the Wanna-be Bank and Truss Company to surprise TLW (The Little Woman), and take her to lunch, the other day. There is nothing like a lunch with your girl friend on a beautiful day!

Through the years, I have noticed peculiar phenomena: the fact that TLW is changing into her Father, Jim. Dad was an ornery old Irishman that decided for himself: what was going to be, and what wasn’t. This is a highly intelligent gentleman who often read the Sunday Times, did the crossword, and if there was any time left in the day, sent the newspaper back to the editorial staff, WITH CORRECTIONS marked throughout the whole newspaper!

Well, the ole petal doesn’t fall far from the shamrock!

TLW: “What are you having for lunch?”
Me: “Tuna salad on toast.”
TLW: “I thought that looked good, but I don’t want a whole can of tuna fish!”
Me: (Pointing to the menu item.) “This doesn’t say it gets a whole can of tuna!”
TLW: “Oh! The one above does, that sounds like a good idea, tuna SALAD on rye toast.”

The waiter comes by and asks: “Can I take your order?”
TLW: “Yes, I’ll take the TUNA SALAD on toast, rye toast.”
Waiter: “Very good.”
TLW: That’s TUNA SALAD, not the tuna.”
Waiter: “Yes, the TUNA SALAD”
Me: “I’ll have the same.”
Removing the menu from the waiter’s hands, she points to the tuna salad, “I don’t want the tuna with the whole can of tuna!”

The waiter is becoming confused and intimidated, since he is a Hispanic, thinking maybe he doesn’t understand.

Me: “Jim, the poor guy knows what you want!”
Looking at the waiter I say: “Go, run quickly, she’ll be alright!”
Me: “You know, you are getting just like your Father!”
TLW: “Well, I AM my Father’s daughter!”

How true.

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