Saturday, May 22, 2010


I look around me and can’t seem to count how much I own. I can’t seem to put a sum to it all: the amount is so much! I add it all up: it is so overwhelming!

I’m not counting my money, or my possessions, but what I really own, and the reason is it is so hard to measure! Yet it is so important to me: that I wonder if I deserve it all.

There is a passion I have found in my daily life, one that is so strong, and I’ve growing through the years! That passion is coupled with joy, and a lasting sense that when I’m gone, I will have achieved what I needed most in my life. My wife and kids, my friends and neighbors, and especially the newfound friends of yesterday, all measure as assets, you as readers give me a joy every time one of you responds with a comment or email. It makes me feel good to help people that need help, or just a smile or joke.

TLW (The Little Woman once again demonstrates my luck, standing with me over a plant and flower sale. A son who calls and says things are going well, or one that calls and says there not! Either way he calls: and I am happy to know that. My daughter makes slow and painful progress, but everyday it is better.

I have friends I love, friends like Phil, who I’ve known for 46 years, and friends I’ve just been re-introduced to. There are now childhood friends I’ve found. I realize people don’t change so as they get wiser and smarter in old age!

I wish there was a way to thank all of you. But that would be impossible: the mere mention doesn’t do the joy justice. There is a great group of people that I work with on the Board of Directors, people that mean a great deal to the survival of my daughter, the fulfillment of her life. They fulfill mine too.

The High School Committee, have given me back a young spirit and a sense of love that binds us all together, makes our class special. You can’t buy that, manufacture it, or even dream it up!

There is the golf committee I work on, that helps to bring help and hope to people that need it, and don’t expect to find it. There are the people I found on the Internet fellow bloggers that have enriched my life considerably.

So what is it that I feel I own? The valuable friendship of people! Maybe I won’t die alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is said that if life is a donut, friends are the sprinkles on top.