Wednesday, February 06, 2013


But it is my fault: I listen to TLW (The Little Woman) and my older sister (much older) Tessie.
About the size of things

It all started last Wednesday morning. Coming down for my coffee after my shower, I sat in my recliner and things started to go downhill from there.
About how it feels

As I sat reading the morning newspaper, I noticed a dull pain building in the lower right back, where my kidney is. As the morning wore on, the more uncomfortable it became. I felt that maybe I had pulled a muscle and took some aspirin, and the pain started to subside, but not completely. That Monday morning I had been attending a 5-hour meeting at the agency thought maybe I strained it sitting and turning toward the front of the room for five hours. The next evening was my monthly board of directors meeting and that lasted another 3 hours or more. That was a lot of sitting for 2 days in one place. Thursday was worse than Wednesday and TLW tells me to go to the doctor. I tell her I have to see him the next week anyway so I’ll wait.

Dr. Strangeglove
So Wednesday night I took some aspirin and went to bed and slept OK, but when I woke up in the morning, the pain slowly came back. I didn’t take anything and went to visit my mother, who is recovering from her fall at home and doing well. As I sat there, Tessie asks what’s wrong. I tell her and she starts like TLW, “Go to the doctor!” She gives me two over the counter pain killer pills I go home and call Dr. Strangeglove and get an appointment the very next day! The pain is subsiding for the rest of the day. Using a heating pad I just sit in my chair and wait things out.

That evening I go to the toilet and a black fleck comes out, and I think I have to do a better job of cleaning the toilet or that thing just came from me! Then right before I retire for the night, there is one more instance of a black fleck, making me think: Déjà vu, all over again!

The next morning I awaken feeling great! No pain, no discomfort and I think, of course, I have a doctor’s appointment, he’ll send me to a specialist and there is nothing wrong with me.

Tomorrow: I see Dr. Strangeglove.

1 comment:

Michele depalo said...

Sounds as though you may have passed a kidney stone. Guess you'll find out tomorrow. Good luck!