Sunday, February 17, 2013


As I write this it is Sunday morning, 2 days after the big blizzard. Yesterday was spent shoveling snow and having good neighbors come by and help out. It is a bad feeling knowing that you may not be able to hit the roads again for a few more days, but no one is sure. I don’t care how much snow you got, once it goes over 12 inches, it’s a burden! We have a very big burden in our driveway.

My backyard!
The foot hurts from an auto accident I was involved in many years ago and the pain is intensified from the cold, causing my ankle to stiffen, and hurt so bad it feels like someone stuck it with a knife! From shoveling, my chest gets this funny feeling because it was stapled together along the front, and whenever I do heavy lifting like snow, I can feel the chest cavity shift where the stapling was causing pain also.

So I decided to go outside and survey the situation since the plow came down last night, and TLW (The Little Woman) told me they had plowed it back into the driveway into a wall about 8 feet by 3 feet high sitting at the end of the driveway, all ice, and snow, water-logged into slush and very heavy, making it difficult to move.

I put on my winter stuff and go outside, looking at the footing in the driveway since the over night was frigid. It is all ice and treacherous, as I survey the surface. I walk down to the entrance of the driveway and stand on the plowed snow, look down the street and see this monstrous plow coming down the street on the other side of the road, pilling in the snow back onto the shoveled driveways!

As the plow moves ahead past me at about 30 to 40 mph, I look up into the cab and watch the driver, who knows what he is doing and just has this real happy face on. I know he is doing what is right, I know he is doing his job, and I know we need the street plowed. I still want to kill him! I know, I need to.

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