Wednesday, November 27, 2013


TLW (The Little Woman) works for the WANNA-BE-BANK & TRUSS CO. (TWBTCO), a rising institution hell bent on making good impressions on their customers. Along with the Princess of Foxwoods Points and the retired Toots II & Bow Tie Man, who have for years tried to prove that doing business with the WANNA-BE-BANK & TRUSS CO. is a good thing, the growth of Monopoly money is on the rise.

As you know, they don’t just hire anyone, they need people who can step and think outside the box, leaving their members with a good first impression that of feeling secure and assured that their money is in a safe place.

TLW is allowed to moonlight
TLW herself, has often said, that first impressions are so important, and so always tries to do her best in assuring people that their banking is taken seriously.

The 'Staff', hard at work
The people that work there, some of whom are now proving that rehab and probation can work, band together as brothers and sisters, putting their best foot forward, showing the general public that they mean business.

The bank even has a waiter!
So if you are need in a great institution, one with institutionalized staff, then the WANNA-BE-BANK & TRUSS CO. is for you.

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