Thursday, November 07, 2013


God how I hate this time of year! It seems that the mail gets cluttered and the airwaves are even worse, listen to the garbage all the politicians are putting out. I once wanted to go into politics, way back when I was in high school. JFK was the president, riding on a youth movement that had a lot of promise and hope. He made promises that never really materialized, but because he chang4ed the landscape of politics by having good looks and youth. Out went the foggy bottomed pols such as Adlai Stevenson and Ike, and in came this kid, the first Catholic yet, who would inspire with words and grip the imagination of the youth of this country. And along with it came negative campaigning!

Prior to this year’s election, I got mail telling me about two candidates running for the same seat in the local government, one was going back to the old ways (what is that?) and one was stealing money (how much and why didn’t you speak out sooner?)

I get ads from the politicians running in New Jersey on TV, why?

The whole business is starting to get to me. Obama is in deep with Obama Care, the Republican House members have almost destroyed this country and stock market, it seems that they can’t wait to find new ways to disagree, make a mess and still look self-righteous.

We have Hillary and Pelosi, two names that polarize even the Democrats, John Boehner has endeared himself to no one, especially with that cold stare, and blank expression! IS THIS THE BEST WE CAN DO?????? I won’t even mention Richard Nixon.

I’m beginning to see where although I can agree with the Occupiers movement to some extent, it too is becoming as bad as those they protest against, with the movement all but dead, yet having left a lot of scars for today’s youth, and movements in general when it comes to the public.

So all that voting has gotten us is these morons, people who side with one or the other without thinking for themselves, embracing philosophies in total, rather than thinking things through, more taxes, more government, and more jury duty.


Anthony said...

It's a sad state of affairs. Both parties should be ashamed of themselves. They both lie and are both in the pocket of big corporations. Unfortunately these days, when a 3rd party arises, like the Tea Party, they are even more extreme and dangerous. How about a NEW 3rd Party, "The DelBloggolos"?

-#1 Son

Jim Pantaleno said...

The voters share in the blame too. How many vote blind party lines with no clue what their candidate stands for. How many don't vote at all. NYC just voted for a guy because they liked his kid's haircut. People are more interested in the next version of the I- phone than who leads the country. We must do better. I"m voting DelBloggolo next year.