Tuesday, November 05, 2013


OK, maybe I’m a Halloween Scrooge. I hate Halloween, because it is a nuisance to keep answering the door for some brats to get candy, they don’t do it like they used to, (no real good tricks) and I don’t have a costume!

Being it was a dreary day anyway, and I wasn’t in a mood to be bothered, I looked out the window about 3:30 pm and noticed there were no trick or treaters! What? On Halloween: NO trick or treaters! How bizarre is that?

Around 4:30 pm, I noticed a couple of adults milling about across the street and figured, here come the brats, and I have this delicious candy ready to dole out. Wait a minute I thought, why? Why should I give these little monkeys all my hard earned candy, and I get none? Besides, their parents would pilfer their stash and help themselves to it, while I have no candy, have jumped up and down all afternoon. I had a plan that could explain why there were no brats all day. All my lights were out! My house looked dark and forbidding, that is why they never came; the house suggested that no one was home!

I immediately ducked down, crept back into my den and put on the closed caption with the sound off, this was a great plan, the kiddies were all passing by my house. I was going to have enough Reese’s Pieces to last me until next October!

Then the unthinkable happened.

TLW (The Little Woman) came home!

“What, did you run out of candy? I put the lights on in the front of the house, it looked like no one was home, the kids were all passing us by!”

“Oh! Were they?”

“Yes, I guess you didn’t realize that.”

“Well, actually it was part of my master plan, to disengage in such tom foolery.”

All of the a sudden there was the first of many knocks on my door, they were busting up my drive way like rats on a sinking ship!

Please tell me why parents have to bring these kids around when it is supper time, interrupting my supper?

Bah, humbug, or is that BOOOOOOOOO!

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