Sunday, June 08, 2014


We live in a crazy dishonest world. Why I say that is in recent conversations with people I find out that they are all running scared of their personal lives being breached. It seems we have committed ourselves to an electronic era that seems to seep into our lives, and silently steals away our identity if we are not careful.

Before the invention of Al Gore’s Internet, the only electronic crime that could be committed was using a telephone, that was attached to the wall and sat in a cradle, IT never went anywhere. You could maybe misrepresent yourself, disguise your voice and pretend to be someone else, and it might have worked. Today all that has changed, today there are too many ways to lose your ID to some unscrupulous individual or individuals.

From a single phone we went to car phones then cordless and finally, they sit in you pocket small enough to type with, take pictures with and communicate on Facebook with. They play music; can identify products and probably dozens of other things. Did I mention they also act as a phone?

So now I own a smart phone, an I-pad, a laptop, regular computer and somehow I just know something new is coming down the pike. What this means is protection is needed from the crooks.

So I joined Facebook back in 2010, and that requires a password, as does each of my devices, as does some of the other sites I visit to buy things like Amazon, and the inner workings of certain servers I attend, and programs I own, all demanding passwords, and not the one you use for something else! Now if you are on Yahoo, that can be tricky, as there is I-cloud to dance around as well as using my business account on all these different devices and sites. Confusing?

TLW (The Little Woman) has resorted to buying books for each of us to record all our passwords in, which is a big help as long as I am home. If we go away say to Burbank, we need to bring that book with us. Confusing?

I think what we should do is have a closet like place where there is a public telephone in it, and you can even call it: “Public Telephone”, maybe on street corners or in say drug stores where if you are out, you can for a small charge make a call, thus eliminating the need for precautions such as changing and then remembering passwords, expensive cell phones and monthly charges. Not only that, but the nescience of why you choose a password for a particular device is gone. Just think, that little annoyance of texting while driving dangers are eliminated, AND, you don’t get any text messages!

Thank God
This ranting is brought to you by: Al Gore’s Internet.

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