Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Every Sunday, late morning, we await a special phone call. It is the call that will jump-start the week, making it a complete week.

Who is calling?

La Principessa, utilizing her staff. Her daddy makes the connection to advise us that she will now speak to us via Facetime, the wonders of modern electronic communication. AS her loyal subjects, TLW (The Little Woman) and I make ourselves available. We will plan our Sunday with a slot of free time reserved for the princess, this is sacred time and all the World must stop for this time. It usually goes like this:


“Hello, Darby’s Grandpa!”

“Dad! Would you like to talk to your Granddaughter?”

“Who’s this?”

“Call us back on Facetime.”

And so, we go first, to get out our I-pad and dial in the number and suddenly: the sun comes out, trumpets play and life is good, as magically, this little face of sweetness and joy appears in front of us! Once again, we marvel that anyone could be that beautiful.

Now comes the fun part, conversing with the face of gorgeous s she entertains us, running, jumping and saying stuff that causes me to run to my dictionary. Then she pretends to ignore us, and as she does, we pretend not to notice and talk to #1 Son about something else until she notices we aren’t giving her attention! Then the show begins, giving us more than before, amazing us with her prowess as an athlete, and becoming more engaged as the moments go on, until TLW and myself are tired out from all her activity and #1 Son suggests we say goodbye.

Then La Principessa looks at us, waves goodbye and we ask for a kiss, and we get not only kisses but hugs, that reach through the I-pad and into our hearts.

Two old people made very happy!

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