Thursday, November 02, 2017


Who will he choose first?
It is that time of the year when I get sick to my stomach, and why not, all the politicians are out and about. They will be making promises they can't keep, have ideas that won't work and say things they can deny they ever said.

This year is a particularly odious one in the sense that everyone is under scrutiny or indictment. There is the Nassau County Executive, the Suffolk County DA who has many notches for bringing to justice: liars and thieves, has saved the biggest notch for himself, a New Jersey Senator, Presidential campaign manager and aids and even opponents, and let's not forget the mayor of New York City.

All these individuals are innocent until proven once again that they are guilty. They all have a battle cry that is standard operating procedure in their statement: "I look forward to my day in court when I will be completely exonerated!" Of course, they do.

The President: AKA the Donald has not been accused of anything as is the American way, it's the Russian way that has him perplexed. The "fake news" is getting more and more blatantly biased by both sides of the aisle and has helped to fill the swamp that is Washington and all 50 states by its reporting.

You go to the experts, the "talking heads", and you get what you expect by the channel numbers, be they MSNBC or FOX News, either gleeful attacks on the right or straight-faced lying about the left. It's fun, makes me want to take out my American flag to help me wipe my tears.

But soon, after this week when all the lies are told and the crap dumped on us as voters, we will go to the polls and vote on either a pant's load of the left or the crap of the right.

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