Monday, August 20, 2018


It’s true… you can’t go home again.

Last Saturday I had lunch with a former colleague from my past to arrange a reunion of sorts for as many people as possible. To get together to hoist a drink of cheer and share in a bite of nostalgia is the plan behind the reunion. It is almost 20 years ago that I left the company and so I lost touch with many of my old friends.

We are holding this get-together in the same town and in one of the many restaurants frequented by everyone those many years ago.

We had lunch at the restaurant for a test run and left feeling pretty good about everything. It is a great place and has a wonderful view of the waterfront.

After the lunch TLW (The Little Woman) and I decided to go to the site of the old company to see it once more. As we turned to drive up the long drive to the building I noted out loud some of the past buildings we used and the things I knew about them to TLW. At the end of the long drive, there is an opening that takes to a large pond with a waterfall and big wide circular driveway that passes the entire front of the building. There the nostalgia ended… in shock!

The entranceway was gated but the gate and wired fence gate was partially broken, and the building itself from what I could see was in disrepair. The Grand Dame has died or was perhaps killed off by the neglect and disrespect of those that last inhabited it 20 years ago.
The boarded windows in some places, the majesty of the fountain stilled and severed, the beautiful pound still with growth and algae all were a testimony to her demise.

Our slogan was once: “YOU MAY ALREADY BE A WINNER!” It turns out the company is the biggest loser.

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