Tuesday, January 01, 2013


My wish for you is to enjoy 7 wonders of the world in 2013 that I love. These wonders are sometimes taken for granted, but when witnessed are greatly enjoyed. They are NOT the great 7 wonders of the world, but part of the many wonders of the world.

1.     The sound of a baby’s laugh.
2.     The elated feeling of the first beautiful day in springtime.
3.     The softness of a lover’s kiss
4.     Holding the hand of the one you love
5.     The sweet serenity of an ocean pressing the shore
6.     The playfulness of a puppy or kitten
7.     To hear the sounds of these words: I love you.

With these wonders, may they lead you on to the many more that exist in this world, helping you find the true prosperity that lies within all our hearts and souls.

2013 is filled with many uncertainties. We are all another year older, and hopefully another year wiser.  There is new music to hear and new art to appreciate, a chance to dance, no matter how silly or purposeful you dance. There are new things to smile about, and new faces to meet: and don’t forget those we love, their smile, kiss or comfort of being there for you.

Don’t be afraid to crouch down and speak to a child, and reach up and speak to the elderly. Listen to what they say and thank them for all they did to make this world better. Be patient with your mate, kind and loving, it is their sacrifice to live their life with you. that is a tremendous gift. Be giving, don’t take without leaving something good in it’s place.

Live for your significant other, not for yourself, and be devoted and gentle. To those that have wrong you, forget and move on, vengeance is a form of admission to defeat. If you can reach out to them, do so, and if they slap your hand away, thank them for their honesty with you, and move on.

I wish for you good health, and may your fortune be so great to share with all those you know and love, and for those that need you most: family, friends and strangers. I wish you a safe and joyous journey through the rest of your lives, and hope we can touch upon each other’s one more time.


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