Wednesday, February 05, 2014


It seems that the older I get, the faster time goes. I remember going to bed early on New Year’s Eve, thinking I’d leave the night to the amateurs, and here we are in February already! You take a breath and think: Ah, the holidays are over, and all of a sudden they are pushing Valentine’s Day on you! God forbid we get a rest, no, let’s get on with Easter, and throw a birthday or four in there too.

Is that reunion planned for the spring taking up some thought?  How about an anniversary, Are you ready, because you have a Memorial Day Bar-b-q to go to?   Of course, the 4th of July will impede on your vacation plans as will the high school graduation party!

My goodness, it’s the end of your vacation and you come home in August and what do you see? Why Christmas decorations of course, as the retailers take out the stuff they just put away, leaving you thinking: What happened to Halloween and Thanksgiving? Oh, it will be there, it’s just that they like to get a head start on the Holidays that make the most.

You wonder if it is too early to buy Christmas Cards and what about Holiday Cards for all your non-Jesus friends? At any rate, the cards can wait until after Thanksgiving, when you will have plenty of time to write them.

You suddenly realize you are sick of eating from Thanksgiving and the thought of the Holidays is getting a little nauseating, and did those cards come from in the mail yet? And stamps, I need stamps, and time to write out the cards once I do my gift shopping.  THE TREE! I have to put up the tree and all the stuff that goes with it! Wait a minute, did I leave any time for baking, and I do need more liquor for the guest that may show up.  

In the frenzy of four short weeks, you have managed all that and there you sit on Christmas Eve, sharing the holiday with the non-Jesus heathens and other family members. You wonder: will she/he like the present I gave for tomorrow? Will the food taste OK, and did I give the garbage men, the newspaper guy and the postman enough that I don’t have to go around the corner and down the block to get my stuff?

So there you have it-2014, and you think, Ah! The holidays are over! See above. For me, I’m going out right now and shop for Christmas, which will be one thing out of the way for 2014 and the ‘Holidays’!

Merry Christmas! Oops! Happy Holidays: to my Non-Jesus friends.


Jim Pantaleno said...

So true. When we were kids that summer vacation seemed like a all the holidays run together. Stay safe in the #$%&* snow.

Princess Pat said...

Wow 2014 just passed so quickly. Didn't even get to enjoy it or did I?