Friday, March 30, 2007


TLW (The Little Woman) works for a wanna-be bank, a credit union, and tonight was their annual staff recognition day. Naturally TLW is going because she married me and learn that you don’t turn down a free meal.

Tonight she gets two awards, one for perfect attendance, and one for some heroic action that she performed in the line of duty. She done good,

She came home from work early today, having the afternoon off, and she spent it telling me what goes on at work, how this member and that member is impossible, yes all her time off, talking about work! No wonder she gets awards, she is very dedicated. She is one of these people who can succeed without really trying. OK, marrying me was her ONLY mistake.

I’ve decided that we need a staff appreciation night around here. Trouble is it would go like this:
TWL: “I’d appreciate it if you would cook dinner tonight.” Or ”I’d appreciated it if you’d clean the whole house for me today.”

Bringing home her awards, she will put them somewhere where no one can see them, and where I will be required not to mention them. Any awards, plaques and citations are all hidden on an upstairs hallway wall, not to be eyed by the world at large.

But there is one award she gets from me: the Modesty award, given to her for not talking about how great she really is.

And another thing, marrying me turned out pretty good for me.

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