Sunday, March 18, 2007


Today I received a mailing on Nature’s Remedies, and one of them was the use of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. “Olive Oil for Constipation” In the morning, taking 1 tsp of it mixed with lemon juice on an empty stomach will blow everything out of you and then some. Trouble with all of that is whenever I mix olive oil with lemon juice, I start looking for the garlic, tomatoes and basil!

The “Extra Virgin” type is reassuring; you notice no one recommends just olive oil. You have to wonder where it’s been.

Parsley is another use for the excretion of toxins and reducing your heart rate and blood pressure. Every time I read the news now or pay more for gas than is fair, I will chew on a sprig of parsley.

My favorite is honey. It says to use it in a “Relaxing honey bath.” You put 2 oz. of honey in a glass with 5 drops of lavender oil. Add 1 to 2 tbsp. of the honey lavender to your bathwater to help you relax and combat insomnia. I would rather combat insomnia in my bed thank you.

I don’t like to fool around with nature’s remedies, it would cramp my appetite, better to use the ingredients to prevent hunger, mainly mine.

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