Sunday, January 24, 2010


It has to be her fault. She gives them all the advice, and they ask for it! Me, I tried to stay out of it. Since 1973 I tried, then I tried again in 1987 to no avail!

What am I talking about? #’S 1 and 2 sons. Let me explain, or as Ricky Ricardo used to say: “Let me ‘splain, Lucy”.

In order to do so, I have to go way back to when I proposed to TLW (The Little Woman). I thought: Here is a congenial, beautiful gal; I know she would make a wonderful mother for my children. Well, that is true, but…

One would think with all our old fashioned values, learned at great expense from the disciplinary measures applied to us as children that something would stick on our kids! No way Jose!

It seems a state of euphoria exists between the two of them.

I have a theory about why. #1 Son lives in California, away from me, and #2 Son, for the most part lives in Purchase, away from me. You see a trend here?

Finding these two pictures on the Internet: makes me think: are there any more out there? What else will I find?

Parents should take ownership when the kids go astray, off the deep end, or just dress funny. TLW, Take ownership.

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