Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Recently there was some speculation on whether or not, the President of the United States dyes his hair. Being how he is the President, these things take on an importance to the press. Now I always put things into one of two categories: male or female. The press in my mind is female.

Have you ever spoken to a woman and commented on how good another woman looks for her age, and heard: “She dyes her hair, or she had implants or she is using Botox? That is a typical womanly reaction. The concern about those kinds of issues goes un-noticed by a man, and he will believe anything a woman throws his way. Already you see the male/female comparison.

Aside for a toupee’, a man does very little to hide his aging process, shoe lifts excluded. Older women, because of the enormous pressure that advertising and the press puts on them, and the comparisons to younger women that are made, get the short end of the stick. Funny thing is I find the older women more attractive, not because of anything other than they can be spoken to with the assurance that you will get a more realistic point of view in return. They tend to be less self-centered, and more assertive in their points of view. If they took away their makeup, they would still be the same person, do that to today’s younger women, all she will have is her I-pod to stare into, and nothing emanating from her mind. Of course this is not true for all of them, but spend some time on the road or in a mall and see what I’m talking about. There are exceptions: my future daughter-in-law is a very good example. She is furthering her education, switching career goals and planning for a happy future, not a mindless one in an I-pod. Then there are women with children, who learn fast that life is not about them only, anymore.

I consider my dog Happy an older woman. She can still be charming with age, her mind is still very sharp, can still tell me what is on it, and sometimes, will even out-think me. Although the last statement may not surprise you, it does surprise me every time she does it!

Of course all this is in a way speculation, because I can’t prove it to you in this venue, but keep in mind that I don’t dye my hair, wear a toupee or shoe lifts, so what you see is what you get. After 65 years on this earth, living with first 4 sisters and a mother, then a wife and daughter, I have enough experience with women to make these kinds of observations.

If you notice the First lady is always looking in the President’s direction, knowing: “Yup, he dyes his hair, who does he think he’s kidding?”

My only question is: are those gray hairs on his head from the job, or from her? I know where I got all mine, and frankly, I’m not telling.


pamela said...

It is part of our job description!

Anonymous said...

I decided that I comment way too often so will not be doing so today.