Saturday, January 15, 2011


There are few things in life more fun than teasing my mother. She has a great sense of humor and a great down swing with a wooden spoon! She has always made her kids nuts by the way she patiently spreads butter on toast, covering every square inch of it, walking all her life like she knew she would live a long time, doing things the last minute.

All Moms’ children take after Dad. We are all in a hurry, need to get things done quickly so we can go on to the next project, and hurry that along too! One other thing we love about Mom is she doesn’t get too excited, as in this recent episode.

It was the night before the big storm, and I called her to make sure she was ready to use her cell phone in case of an emergency.

“Hello Ma, how ya doin?” (Let’s face it, that’s how I tawk)
“Just fine.”
“Ya got that phone handy in case of an emergency?”
“Yes, Joseph.” (She calls me that all the time!)
“Well I don’t want any more repeats like the other storm we had.”
“Don’t worry, everything is under control.”
“Ya got the thing plugged into the wall?”
“OK. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”

A few minutes later, my older sister Tessie (Much older!) calls.
“Yellow?” (There I go again!)
“Hi, I just called Mom on her cell phone and she doesn’t answer it.
“Maybe she should unplug it from the wall.”
“OK, I call her regular phone and tell her to do that.”
Five minutes later …

“Hi, it’s me again!”
“You just won’t go away!”
“I called her and she stood by the cell phone, which I called again, but she says it didn’t ring!”
“She unplugged it, too?”
Maybe she should unplug the charger not only from the wall, but from the phone too.”

Five minutes later, TLW (The Little Woman) answers the phone.

“Hello, oh hi Theresa! (She says “Hello”)
OK, I’ll tell him.”

It seems Mom, dear, sweet loveable and now frustrating Mom, never turned on the cell-phone through the whole ordeal!


Mary Ann said...

I spoke to her yesterday...I think she's humoring us...

Jim Pantaleno said...

Your kids will be writing this blog about you in a few years.

Laura ESL Teacher said...

Speaking of your kids, tell Son #1 that one of Ava's favorite Drake and Josh episodes ever is "Paging Dr. Drake", which she just downloaded onto her iPod. (We noticed that he wrote it!)