Tuesday, August 09, 2011


You always hear it; “If” and when the word stands alone it is very large. The word “If” can stop a dream and it can define one. It is conditional and it is controlling, the word “If” is big.

Often I think to myself: “If I had…” and fill in the end. It might be a dream, a hope a want, but all too often I think that.

Recently I strolled through the agency to sign some checks and visit some people, when I came across a man who was passing me, and seemed to be very happy. His nature was such that you could almost become as happy as he seemed. Infectious would describe it best. He was riding a scooter like vehicle, so he obviously could not walk, but he got around. He has a developmental disability, but can read because he was delivering the inter-office mail. If I wanted to start my day off right, I would love for him to greet me first thing!

I though this spirit was one filled with calmness, serenity and beauty. Here obviously was a man of peace, teaching me to be one too. I thought that if I had the power to make him walk, his spirit would be reaching a wider world than the confines of the agency only, then it dawned on me, he IS out there, I need to be him, if I only knew how.

What I wish to say is there are people out there just like this gentleman, filled with a spirit that penetrates the barriers we put up as strangers. He has his problems, but doesn’t care, or doesn’t know, or maybe, just maybe does know but chooses to brighten his day by making mine bright too! We could all be like him!

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