Friday, August 19, 2011


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone-Starring Daniel Radcliffe

The other evening, as I was rolling into and then out of a stupor from the day’s events, I opened my eyes and there on the TV was a sorcerer! The fellow looked like he meant business and got my attention.

What was on was a Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a special presentation. It was around 9:00 pm, so this was not a kiddie’s presentation.

As the story developed, so did my interest! This movie, and I am sure all the Harry Potter movies are alike, took on a magical feel, the story, the sets and the wonderful actors, all creating a beautiful story book feel! I felt like a kid, mesmerized and totally into it. The movie had great art direction, color, feel character development and I will look for more of the movies where I can.

It is great to go away as a grownup (That is what I am legally) and become a kid once again. I took some moments from the heat, the worries and the cares and was 7 once again. I really recommend your watching or at least reading the books. A tremendous amount of wonderful imagination went into these stories, and the acting is really superb. Just think of how great the scenes will be in your own mind!

Years ago, when #1 Son wrote for a children’s’ show called “All That” on Nickelodeon, there was a spoof he helped write called; “Harry Potty” and the kid who played the lead was very much like the main character of the real thing! The show was for young teenagers and was a sketch comedy that had a Saturday Night Live feel.


Anonymous said...

The sketch was actually called, "Harry Bladder". You know, it's much more sophisticated that way.

-#1 Son

Jim Pantaleno said...

I like Harry Potter. Great imagination and screen presence. I love all things magic.

PS To #1 Son - Love Drake and Josh. I believe you worked on that.

Anonymous said...

I adore Harry Potter! Read the books - watched all the movies. Try as I might I cannot make a Potter convert out of #1 Son.
If you like Potter, I highly reccomend The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Disney made the adaptation (of one of my favorite books) a few years ago. I felt like I was 8 years old watching the movie!
Love ya!

-TLC the lovely Courtney