I don’t know if it is old age or not, but lately everything seems to be a little more difficult. For instance typing, I already made a few typos in these few words! My hands seem to feel like they are stiff and uncontrollable! I type and find a surprise spelling when I look!
Making the bed this morning I realized that the bed spread was too far over to one side, making me have to pull over everything to get it right. My mother taught me to make a bed, and she was a stickler about it. I learned hospital corners and tucking. She made me iron my own clothes, and other chores, so that if I ever got married, and it didn’t work out, I wouldn’t need to come home! “When you leave to get married, YOU LEAVE” Dear Mom!
TLW (The Little Woman) just interrupted me as I was typing the last paragraph! What was her problem? Chains! Yes, those links that tie man down, that humbles us all. She has a necklace with a chain so delicate if you breathe on it: it will come apart!
“Joe, can you do this? I used to be able to do this!” It is so small, I have to take my glasses off, to focus and my hands are still stiff from paragraph one above, as I attempt to do it.
I can’t climb ladders, go on the roof and other chores I used to handle easily, it is time to put me out to pasture it seems. I have a conversation and there are two things I want to tell someone, I tell one, and forget what it was I wanted to say for the second thing.
I go into the next room, but why?
We interrupt this edition of DelBloggolo to give you this important message:
Aubrey Rose Schneider was born this morning, weighing in at 6lbs, 12 ozs, to Annmarie and Greg Schneider.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled blogue.
One day I took out the vacuum cleaner, there was a battle wagging between me, the canister, the hose and I was losing! It tangled, got stuck behind a corner, and I suddenly recalled some language I once heard dad use.
I now have to write everything down, someone tells me to not forget something, I not only forget, I don’t remember someone telling me not to forget!
Take two Jack Manhattans and call me in the morning.(Welcome to the world, Aubrey Rose.)
If I can remember to.
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