Sunday, January 05, 2014


I'll see ya and raise ya one Holiday
It is seven days after Christmas as I write this.

I was getting greeting cards wishing my family the season’s greetings. Some are religious, some sent by the politically correct police, and some by Jews. They started to come about right after Thanksgiving until after New Year’s Day.

Everyday after Christmas I would go out to my mailbox and sure enough there would be another card! This was exciting, and relieving. Why relieving? Because the person who sent it I though might be dead, I sent him a card. I wonder what happened. Geez, I hope he didn’t suffer. It seems to be always around the holidays. This went on until today.

Today I went out to the mailbox wondering who didn’t die today.  I opened the mailbox and saw only bills. Of course I wasn’t happy to see only bills, I do hear that checks are nice to get too, but no cards! NOBODY DIED! I grabbed the mail and went inside with it and sorted it out once again, looking for a Christmas card.

I sat down and became disappointed: did I get all the cards I was suppose to get? Did someone not die and not get his card out on time? Did someone die and I forgot him? I started to go through the cards I received in my mind, came across a name and thought: Oh No! Oh wait a minute he did send a card. That’s a relief. 

So I think I’ll try to calm down and quit looking for any more Christmas Cards. But if you do usually send me one and didn’t this year, I’ll just assume you died and won’t hold it against you. We'll just say 'Hi' and move along.

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