Saturday, January 25, 2014


Went to my mother’s bank to make some changes and adjustments regarding her account, being how I have Power of Attorney, since she can no longer write her name or see too well.

The drive-by tellers come to your parking spot
I enter the bank, go over to this lovely teller who helps me and as we finish I ask about on-line banking. She calls over a gentleman who works for the bank named Mateo, we shake hands and I go over to his desk.

You are greeted very warmly at TWBB&TC by the employees!
After a wonderful session on the joys of on-line banking, we finish up and I say:

“You know, my wife works for the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Co.!”

“Oh, what does she do?”

At TWBB&TC they take your banking seriously!
“She works on the platform.”

“She does what I do?”

“Yes, if you call this working.”

“Hehehe… would you like to know about some of our services Mr. Del Bloggolo?”

“WHAT? I have to live with that woman Mateo!”

“We have excellent customer services beside on-line banking.”

“You see Mateo, that is the difference. At the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Co., I am a member: that means that Mrs. Del Bloggolo has to treat me nice, even at home. She never will know when I’m just ‘Hey you’ or honored Mr. Member!”


“Yes Mateo, it is the ONLY thing I have left in life I can enjoy. Please don’t offer me a deal I can’t refuse.”

1 comment:

Princess Pat said...

Those pictures alone show what a friendly and helpful credit union we are!!!!!