Thursday, January 01, 2015


God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
And the eyesight to tell the difference.

Just as some of my old Italian relatives from the “other side” used to say: “A APPY ANEW HYEAR!”

I miss them all.

This New Year the editors and staff will be adding to DelBloggolo a new feature. To help those of you who start the day reading this blogue, a little light humor to give you a start and a chuckle. Maybe even a little fact, something to make you walk away with a smile or feeling it was worth a look at DelBloggolo today.

This starts the 10th year of writing DelBloggolo mostly every day. Since 2006 to this moment I have given my opinion on just about everything in my life, things I remember and times I have spent.

The days ahead will be no different, although I promise to be a little better at spell check a little lighter and try to be fun.

So to all my dear readers, all of you, no matter your political leaning or your religious inclination: have the best New Year ever, with health, only good luck and cheer, and if you happen to see me walking down the street some day, don’t throw anything at me.

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