Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Dr. Sunshine Seemore a true visionary!
Recently I had to go to my eye doctor, Dr. Seemore.

Dr. Sunshine Seemore has been trying to convince me that to be the picture of health, one must starve. He has been wearing the same suit every day, a dark grayish blue drab suit, walking around with self-importance and instilling an eyeful of wisdom everywhere he goes.

My recent visit with the doctor was a rather interesting one since we both did our routines. His was a cross examination of how I am doing with my diabetes and what the numbers are. My regular doctor who follows my diabetes never gives me numbers, doesn’t want me pricking myself and has it under control. Since an eye doctor can’t treat my diabetes, I soon learned to give him what I learned he wants to hear, good numbers.

Dr. Strangeglove
Now the A1C number that determines your blood sugar level is of interest to Dr. Seemore, along with my daily blood count. These are both numbers that Dr. Strangeglove keeps to himself. So when I see the eye doctor I have to make it up and when I do he congratulates me and tells me I should be very proud of myself. Oh, I am: because I learned if you vary the numbers a little, but still keep it in the same range, it is believable!

After his assistants do all the preliminary work like dilating my eyes, asking the questions and recording them on my folder, his eminence Dr. Seemore arrives. Sitting at the small desk at the examining room, begins his interrogation.

Dr.: “I see your A1C number is very good!
Me: “Oh!”
Dr.: And your daily numbers are good too! You hould be very proud of yourself! You know, I could be one way on one day and another on another day. Although your optic nerve is not a normal shape like most peoples, you don’t show any losses, you have a bit of glaucoma that comes with age, but I think I’ll ask that you come back again in a…. Year. See you next year.”

Six months ago he said I needed to see him every six months!

Do I have no shame? Will Jesus get me for this? My regular doctor, Dr. Strangeglove feels that his handling of the diabetes and the medication I take is all there is that I or anyone else needs to know.

My suspicion is still the same as last time when I wrote that Dr. Seemore is not married, hates Italians who like to eat, and women will have no part of him. Little children wear a replica of his face for Halloween, and he put his mother in a home.


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