Tuesday, July 09, 2013


There are many things in life that make me happy!

My daughter is loved, thought about all the time and an effort is made to bring her home as much as feasible, she is loved.

 I have two sons that have high moral standards when it comes to the poor and downtrodden. They weight all the facts of life and form their opinion based on what they think and feel in their heart and minds is right. They are loved.

As for myself, there is a sense of peace and tranquility that is all too often taken for granted by me, and I wish to correct that if I can. I too am loved.

Where does all this come from? It comes from one sweet soul, that does all this, makes us whole as a family, a very giving woman that I know for about 43 years. In that 43 years we have known each other, I have seen the love grow for her from all the mentioned above.

It is truly wonderful that TLW (The Little Woman) exists. That she does so much for her family. The things she does for us physically is far surpassed by the love and caring she has for us all, she makes us whole.

At night, while she is fast asleep in her recliner after a long hard day at the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Co., a death grip hold on the old remote, I marvel at how peaceful she is in her life with everyone. I am not laughing at her for sleeping: I am loving the idea that she is asleep in my home, sharing her life with me. I take a lot of pride in that.

She is good company, asleep or not, she is my reward for anything I might have done in life, but can’t imagine it being so worthy. We have always taken comfort in each other, she has never taken advantage of me and I certainly try not to do that to her. She is what you call ‘a good woman’. She should have held out for someone better, more deserving, more special. But she is stuck with me so it is too late. Lucky me.

Today is her birthday! She reached the age of 25, when I met her and seems to be stuck there. Oh her body may be getting older like all of us, but she is still that wonderful beautiful woman I met so many years ago and fell in love with. She is a wise 25, still and still getting more beautiful every day. Lucky me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOTS! Love you forever, your grateful adoring “fancy fiancée” so-called husband.

 Also-to one of my favorite bloggers of all time, the lovely Laura Beeler, who should be writing blogs because she is so good at it: Happy Birthday Laura! We missed you Saturday!

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

Happy Birthday Ellen, hope you have a fantastic day.