Saturday, October 19, 2013


Mr. and Mrs. Paredi
When their ship pulls in and docks, they will have returned from their honeymoon, a cruise to celebrate their recent union. They will be Mr. and Mrs. Bow Tie! Lenny (The Bow Tie Man) and his newly minted lovely wife Danielle, begin life as one.

I witnessed their dying minutes of being single, and the immediate chaos of being just married. After a ceremony at the church where B.T. ushers on Sunday, off they went to have their pictures taken and then a celebratory reception at the Mediterranean Manor in Patchogue.

If you read my June 18, 2013 Blogue about the production ‘Spelling Bee’ then you know Matthew Paredi, Lenny’s younger brother, who filled another roll in the wedding party just as he is on stage: Best Man.

The reception had to be one of the most pleasant receptions I attended in a while for someone other than family. Together with Corinne and Doug, Pat (The Princess of Foxwoods Points), her husband Bill, Toots II  (Lois) and of course; TLW (The Little Woman) representing the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Company, we enjoyed the cocktail hour and the reception amid some craziness and laughs. I think it is a fun group, and I always enjoy myself when they are around.

Aside from the fact that we were at our own table, and having too much fun, the food was very good, and so was the music, as Lenny The Bow Tie Man has taste in music that ranges from dead people’s music to the latest steps in R&R in today’s young population. His family is very warm and friendly enjoy and love each other and seem to have a knack for entertaining their guest.

I had only one complaint, and went to the source of my unhappiness, The Bow Tie Man.

I walked toward the happy couples table as they were enjoying their evening, and tapped the groom on the shoulder.

“I have a complaint!”

Looking up at me like he just spotted rainclouds at a picnic, he asked what the matter was.

“The pasta was not bow ties!”

“Will this go in your blogue?”

“I’m sorry.”

And so, a wonderful Sunday afternoon was spent at the expense of someone else’s freedom, a lovely loving couple and their families. The reception was done in very good taste, fun and a beautiful hand-painted glass was a gift for each couple, executed by the bride, the lovely Danielle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. DelBloggolo,
Thanks for the mention of our big day, and sharing it with us!
The next time we get married there will be bow tie pasta!

Mr. and Mrs. Bow Tie