Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Yes it is that time again, time for the Bellport High School Class of 1964 Fiftieth Class Reunion to meet for the first time!

The original cast
Most of the committee will be reunited to further the cause that reminds us we are 50 years older than dirt! Two new members are joining us. To make it easier for me, all the new members are named Joanne. Since this is the case, I decided to rename the balance of the committee Joanne also.

she hurts!

Included in that committee is Sista Tanj-Gerina, a former classmate from high school, now from the Sisters of Mano a Mano from the upper east side of Palermo. (Read: DelBloggolo Thursday, October 28, 2010)

By the time you are reading this, the meeting will have occurred, check my local hospital for my admission and hopefully discharge date from Sista Tanj-Gerina’s love taps.

The feeling I am getting is that everyone wants it in Bellport, and a dress casual seems to be popular. That is because at our age, we want a fresh suit for when we make our final exits! Speaking of which: there are so few of us now, I am thinking of holding the reunion in the back of a Volkswagen.

So sometime in June we will have a formal all who can make it reunion, with a nice buffet of soft foods, a few drinks (Probably Ensure) and a live DJ, we will borrow from the Salvation Army. I am trying to get sponsorship from Depends to foot the bill. Fresh glasses of water at each place setting to hold any loose dentures, and name tags, not that anyone can read them anymore.


Michele DePalo said...

Oh, brother! I miss one meeting and this is what happens!!

Joseph Del Broccolo said...

did we do something wrong?!