Sunday, December 07, 2014


After the unfortunate events that sent TLW (The Little Woman) to the ER and getting her leg in a splint, the hospital staff gave her a set of crutches. Now TLW has never had to use crutches, and really has had few operations in her life, once a gallbladder and her four children, that’s it.

Being that she looks like her father, she is acting like him too, as she gets very nervous about the whole deal. The idea of her using crutches was a real eye opener causing all kinds of questions that I have to answer. Being a veteran of crutches myself for a good 6 months, I know what they do to you and how to manage them. I try to guide her, give her tips and tell her of my experiences.

But there are whole lessons in learning to use crutches that extend beyond just the walking. There is sitting and getting up from a chair: there is climbing the stairs and going down the stairs. The best part is getting up a step of the curb or entering the house. TLW sits on her butt and climbs the stairs raising her butt on rise at a time. There is temptation, where she crawls into the house on all fours, and I want to toss a ball and yell: “Fetch!”

Watching the unsteadiness of TLW as she tries to walk with the crutches is like if you can imagine: a kamikaze pilot on crack! Not only could she take out the ship, but the whole damned ocean as well!

As for me, I have been told by everyone to be good to her, to take care of her, to take good care of her, but I’m too busy to hear them, because I am too busy doing whatever she needs.

Tomorrow we will be at the orthopedic to re-cast her leg, we will make a decision on whether to operate or make it heal as naturally as possible.


Address: 1231 Taft Hwy, Signal Mountain, TN 37377
Hours: Open today · 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

You should!

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