Monday, November 26, 2018


THIS is what it will look like after January 15!
Everything comes to an end; the tallest buildings, long spans and even centuries-old monuments will come to an end someday. Take my wife… please. Oops, couldn’t let that Henny Youngman line go by. But seriously folks, she is a prime example of what I speak of. On January 15, she will be officially retired and will perform strictly at home.

No longer will I hear her regal in tales of unsuspecting members of her Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company entering her domain. This is a loss of monumental proportions, a cultural deprivation to my dinner hours: we will have nothing to talk about. For instance:

“I had a man come into today to borrow money for a car.” Then she tells me what happened, if the man was nice or not, spoke English or not or was maybe a little light in the loafers. But this is all fodder to the conversation; this is all-important feed to entertain me.

TLW (The Little Woman) is a ‘platform’ person, someone who helps people straighten out their accounts, sometimes even their lives, Lord knows, she straightened me out enough times. Soon my time will be reduced to discussing Trump or the kids or grandchildren.

And so, after January 15, 2019 I will be a man without a conversation, I’ll have to shut up and eat.

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