Monday, November 19, 2018


Many years ago when I was a young dad, my #1 Son (Anthony) gave me the hat you see me wearing. The hat has to be about 39 years old. His mom helped him to buy it and it became his gift for me on Christmas. There is a very good reason why I have kept the hat and will continue to do so.

I was not used to wearing a hat, as a rule, so this was a novelty and I loved it. Apparently, I did not love it enough that I lost it one day on the Long Island Railroad. Feeling bad I came home from work that day and told him I was sad I lost my hat. He was about 4 years of age and was quickly learning how much of a bonehead dad he had. (This would become a reoccurring theme).

Then one day lo and behold there was #1 Son with a replacement hat. This was a wonderful surprise and I was overjoyed, expressing delight and glad to know he thought of me so much as to forgive my bone-headedness! So, one day we get in the car to go somewhere and he is sitting in his car seat in the back seat of my car.

Me: “Gee, Anthony, I really love this hat!”

Anthony: “Good, don’t lose it this time.”

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