Monday, April 01, 2019


It’s a fine day here in Burbank, Ca., the sun is up, near eighty today, the birds sing and the dew is non-existent. That is all the truth.

As far as having a nice day, well my daughter is in the hospital and we are thousands of miles away. When we left NY everything was fine, we sit down for breakfast in a restaurant one day and we get a text telling us she is in the emergency room and then later, she was admitted! Go out for a nice visit and ‘April Fool’ get it ruined with worry.

Like every time I come out here, it seems I catch something. Once again with the sun shining and the day beautiful, I get some kind of infection in my nose that drips into my throat and I have to cough up phlegm, heavy at times. ‘April Fools!’ No nice time.

Once you get out to Burbank, the place has more square footage devoted to roads than to landowner properties. As you drive, you go from one street to the next waiting for a red light to change. Half your time is waiting for red lights!

Go into the parking lots of these huge shopping centers and you can’t find a parking space. Soon you will have to call to reserve a space before you arrive! It might take days! Find a space and the car next to you is so close as make you very carefully open your door so s not to scratch the car next to you. April fool joke if there ever was one.

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