Sunday, April 28, 2019


"Is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's blunders?"
Friedrich Nietzsche

Once again the ugly truth rears its head, and we read about people who kill other people in the name of God, because of the way they pray to God. I assume that God is God, the ‘Almighty’ the one true and only God, the one that the Lutheran, Presbyterian and Catholic, the Jew and other Semites pray to, the one true God who made Heaven and Hell and all between, the Earth and its inhabitants, that God.

Yet, once again I read that a group of worshippers killed collectively for the reason being that they do not pray as their killers do.

I can’t understand the complexity of it all, how one person or group could determine that their way is better than someone else’s to have a private conversation with God in which their only criterion should be that they need to seek comfort in the Almighty. Who are we to determine that Jews can’t exist? Who are we to determine which cults, have a right to which lands? Who are we to determine without God’s say-so which way to pray to God is correct?

The problem lies in the fact that we have organized religions, sects, groups not deemed by God himself, but the self-proclaimed true believers, who in the name of God will destroy anybody of non-believers and non-practitioners of a faith?

Mankind should get out of the business of religion, it is the most destructive force in the World, it causes mankind to strike out at himself and his brothers, pitting one sect against another, even though it is the same God.

I have stopped going to church, not because I don’t believe in God, but because I do. I don’t want rituals to guide me away from my conversation with God, I don’t want to be swayed into believing in God in a certain way, I want to speak to God in a natural way, He and I in a one-on-one conversation, without distractions, without all the rituals that religion entails.

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